A Little Black Dress for Black History Month
Good morning darlings! Hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm still on my girls trip in Brazil with one of my best friends and I'm excited to share all the details and pictures with you all when I get back. In
Romance is still in the Air – Ruffles and Rock Studs
Hi darlings, Happy Thursday! The last few days have been so busy so it's taken me a lot longer to post this. Although Valentine’s Day is over, romance and love is never ending. It appears that a lot of people loved my
Springing in the new season
Good morning darlings! How's your week going? To say the weather in Houston has been confusing would be such an understatement. It goes from being warm to cold, dry to wet, dull and stormy to bright and sunny, and at this
Happy Valentine’s Day – With All My Hearts
Happy Valentine's Day Darlings! I hope everyone is having a beautiful day. Meanwhile, it's raining cats and dogs out here. Houston's weather is so confusing to me but I'll pretend it's raining hearts, like a shower of love..lol. As we all
Red Bahari Brass Earrings + Blush One Shoulder Dress
Happy Sunday Darlings! Hope you're having an amazing weekend. It's 2 more days to Valentine's Day, so celebrations have probably started and will continue throughout the week. Whether you're single or married, with your partner, family, friends or alone, use this
Vintage Style – Ruffles and Lace
Good morning Style Lovers! Today we continue with our Valentine's Day Lookbook. I decided to take it back in time and go vintage. I built my look around this high neck vintage floral blouse with ruffle details which I got from
Monochrome Monday – Blush Pink
Good morning, Rise and Shine! It's a beautiful day in H-town! Super Bowl was amazing, history was made multiple times and we learned a few things. The Patriots showed us the meaning of the phrase "It's never over until it's over"
The Hibiscus Dress with Bell Sleeves
Happy Weekend, Happy Super Bowl Saturday! Regardless of what you have planned, I hope you enjoy yourself. It's Superbowl weekend here in the U.S. and what makes it even more special is, it's right in my backward here in Houston. I
Red Knit Dress + Blush Pink Vest
Good morning, Happy February! February is such an important month to me, not because of Valentine’s Day, but because it’s my anniversary. Yes we celebrate two anniversaries, one from our first date and the other our wedding anniversary. This month makes