My Mindset and Morning Routine – 10 Things I Do to Jumpstart my Day
Hello my loves,
Today I’m going to be sharing details of what I do daily to get my mind right. It can be done anytime of the day but to maximize its effectiveness, I do it in the morning so I’m present, focused, motivated and functioning at my optimum capacity of doing and being my best self.
Somethings on this list I’ve always done since I was a child. Some where things I learned from my Grand parents, and some my Dad.
The rest I added after reading the book called “The Miracle Morning” by bestselling author Hal Elrod. It’s also referred to as the not so obvious secret guaranteed to transform your life before 8am. Have you read it? It’s such a great book if you haven’t, and you can thank me later.
15 Things I do to Jumpstart my Day
- Pray – I grew up in a Christian household and went to Christian boarding schools as a teenager so I grew up praying all day every day. I believe in God and have a personal relationship with him, so I pray at anytime and for anything, so I start my day by chatting with him.
- Meditate – I always take a few minutes to reflect and make sure I’m present, I’m thankful, my thoughts are calm. I use this time to tune out the noise and make sure I can sense my intuition and hear my inner voice and feel God’s spirit within me.
- Say Affirmations – I love speaking words of affirmations to myself. It strengthens me and it reminds me of who God says I am and who I believe and know I am. It helps me overcome the negativity and lies from people and keeps me on a positive track.
- Visualize – I’m a big dreamer. I have a very vivid imagination and I love that about myself. I take some time to visualize myself, my goals, my purpose, the life I want, the things I want to do for people and the roadmap to getting there.
- Exercise – I don’t do this as often as I should but when I do, I feel great. Working out gets me energized and gets those endorphins released. I like switching it up, from yoga to dancing, zumba, aerobics, swimming, playing tennis, basketball etc.
- Read – I love reading fiction and non fiction but in the mornings, I love reading something inspirational like my bible, a devotional or motivational quotes and books. This lifts my spirit up and empowers me.
- Write – I usually write down important things about what I plan to achieve each day in my planner but I also write important lessons and ideas I get in a book like a journal. It helps me remember and helps me keep a good record of things that build me up and keep me focused.
- Listen – I love listening to things that inspire me, teaches me or entertains me. I love listening to Podcasts, music, a radio show or audible book to keep me going. While doing one of these, I’m either taking notes of what I’m learning, laughing hard or dancing my butt off.
- Drink – I start my day with drinking water. It hydrates and refreshes me and prevents me from getting headaches and fatigue.
- Take my Vitamins – I take my vitamin supplements and drink one of juices which is usually a mix of fruits, vegetables and herbs that are very good for the body. It makes me feel great. It also prevents me from getting hungry and getting fatigued easily. It also makes my skin and nails look and feel healthy.
The purpose of my daily routine is so stay present, stay motivated, energized, happy, healthy and focused so I can be my best self, feel great and look great. It also helps me be the best for my loved ones and my community so I can better serve people.
I hope you enjoyed reading this. Now I’d like to know what are some of your mindset and morning routines or what do you do to jumpstart your day?