Women’s Day – Women’s Rights, Health & Socioeconomic Issues
Hi Ladies!
This post is for you and it’s a must read.
When I think of the term Woman, I think of characteristics like Strength, Nurture, Healer, Love, Caregiver. I believe that women are the backbone of our families and society. We are the champions of everyone’s cause, so much that it almost feels like we’ve been left behind. For a group of people that advocates for all other groups e.g. men, children, we are usually the least supported in society, at work and the home setting when it comes to issues like Women’s Rights, Health & Socioeconomic Issues, and this needs to change.
For centuries we have been regarded as the more vulnerable, weak and less important gender despite our different roles and abilities. Due to this, we took on even much more, tried to do everything and be everything for everyone. We are constantly putting a front that we are so strong and can do it all to the that point, we were hurting ourselves without still gaining the respect, equality and justice we wanted. To every woman out there, there is nothing wrong with being kind, gently, vulnerable, needing rest, balance, love and care while also being intelligent, strong, assertive and hardworking. Who said we can’t have different qualities? Why do we have to only be one thing and why do we let society label us, validate us, or wear us out?
I’m so passionate about Women Issues and can’t stop advocating for Women’s Rights. Therefore, from today I’ll be dedicating my Wednesdays to Women’s Issues, Health, Wellness, Rights & Resources. For this month of September, it has been PCOS Awareness Month, Reproductive/Sexual Health, Ovarian Cancer Awareness, Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Month.
When it comes to our health, we don’t talk enough about our Reproductive & Mental Health & it’s so important. Here are some facts according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
- 1 in 3 people suffer from some form of mental illness and women suffer more when it comes to depression, anxiety, somatic complaints, psychological distress, PTSD at all ages and when older dementia.
- Depression accounts for about 42% of the disability from neuropsychiatric disorders in women.
- Women suffer more when it comes to the disability associated with mental illness because they experience 3 or more comorbid disorders based on gender roles at home, having multiple roles, discrimination, stressors and negative life experiences and events that has affected them.
- Women have more of a disadvantage due to gender-based violence like sexual and domestic violence, socioeconomic disadvantages, low income from family structure, pay inequality, low social status but yet having unrelenting responsibilities to care of others like their children and elderly parents. This is usually due to economic and social policies, but also family structures and gender biased roles.
- The lifetime prevalence rate of violence against women ranges is about 16%-50% and at least 1 in 5 women suffer rape or attempted rape in their lifetime.
The statistics may be shocking initially but if you really think about it, it’s not surprising. Also, for most women who experience one or more of these situations, they feel alone, isolated, weak, vulnerable, stigmatized, ashamed and often times they do not get the right help, support, coping skills and resources they need to adequately manage and overcome their health and life can become unbearable.
I know that while there are somethings beyond our control, there’s so much we can do to maintain a balanced, happy and healthy life which I’ll be sharing next week Wednesday on “10 Ways to Improve your Mental, Physical & Spiritual Health”. Remember, we as women need to be more intentional, diligent and we need to take control of our life, our narratives, our health, our environment and continue to advocate for ourselves at all times. Have a blessed day and you can leave any comments, tips, questions or feedback below on this topic. Have a blessed day!
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