A Recap of 2018 – How to Reflect & Grow from your Experiences
Dear Friends,
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with loved ones. This season is such a special time because it is the season of giving and gratitude. It’s the season to reflect on your life, your year and thank God for life and your loved ones for their love and support. It’s also a great time to continue to show your love and appreciation through actions to the people around you by giving of your time, energy and resources either by acts of kindness, compassion and service because loving people is in actions and not just words.
Today is the last day of 2018 and it’s such a blessing. I want to remind you that we are all blessed to get to the end of year and by Gods grace we will all go into 2019 with lots of love, grace, blessings, favor and opportunities. The gift of life is so precious and it needs to be cherished and maximized. Live each day with an attitude of gratitude and live it to the fullest.
As you enter the New Year, I want you to reflect and answer these questions below.
What were the major milestones and life defining moments of 2018?
What were your greatest blessings that your grateful for?
What were your major challenges?
What were your biggest lessons throughout the year?
These are some of the questions I ask myself towards the end of the year. To fully grow from your experiences and step into the next phase and higher level of your life, you need to be able to reflect, take notes on lessons learned, apply them as you move forward and be intentional about what you want and be proactive about the life and experiences you want to create.
I hope this questions help you. SUBSCRIBE to my Blog to stay connected. In my next few blog posts, I’ll be sharing my plans for 2019 and my answers to the above questions.
Have a Happy New Year!