Newborn Baby Essentials
Hi Darlings, How are you? Our sweet baby boy turned 6 months today and we are just so grateful for him and thank God that we've survived the first 6 months as new parents. Being a new mom isn't easy, there's
40 Workwear Styles for Every Woman
Hi Ladies, Hows your week going? They say fashion is what you buy in the store and style is what you do with it. So as a woman it is important to find and develop your style because this is part
Business & Leadership Tips from the BlogHer19 Conference – Part 2
Hi Darlings, I hope your day is going well. I recently shared that I attended the BlogHer19 Creators Summit in New York and here is a continuation of some business and leadership tips I got from the event. As the saying
Business & Leadership Tips from the BlogHer19 Conference – Part 1
Hi friends, Last week I had the pleasure of attending the BlogHer19 Creators Summit in New York, in collaboration with BlogHer and She Knows Media. This was my first time attending this conference and I had a great time. I initially
7 Lessons we Learned from 7 Years of Marriage
Hi Darlings, I'm Back! The last few months have been a whirlwind. Being a new Mom is no joke especially with all the things that tried to throw me off. I didn't plan to take a break from my blog and
Fun Summer Dresses Under $50
Hi Friends, The Summer season is all about sunshine, getting sunkissed, having fun and getting a much needed break from work therefore your outfit should be a great reflection of the season, the fun and of course your mood. I'm obsessed about
My Travel Essentials with an Infant
Hi Friends, How are you? As some of you guys know, we traveled about a month ago to Maryland to visit loved ones. It was our sons first trip and flight, so we went the day after he got his 2
Spring into Summer in Stripes
Hi Friends, How are you? I've been enjoying the sun, warmth and blooms of the Spring season and I'm looking forward to Summer. What about you? I'm 8 weeks post partum and I've been cupped up at home for such a long
Post Partum Body Confessions
Hello Friends, Pregnancy is such a beautiful and life changing experience, but it can also be very challenging. Your body goes through so many changes which can affect you mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. One of the biggest and most obvious changes
Our Maternity Photoshoot – Our Love & Legacy
Hello Friends, Hope you’re having a great week. With Mother’s Day around the corner, I decided to share some pictures from our maternity photoshoot. This was our last official family picture before our beautiful baby boy arrived on March 26th 2019. Our