Hi guys!
Do you enjoy having your “Alone Time”? It can be while driving, walking or even right after you wake up. Anyway, I was driving to work Thursday morning and as I enjoyed my 1hr 15mins drive, I started to think about my potential vacation plans and got very excited. I felt a great need to put my thoughts down and that’s exactly what I did when I got to the parking lot. LOL… I usually get the best ideas randomly.
I know at this point you probably know that I love to travel and see the world. I joke that I’m a gypsy at heart. While I love traveling, I hate to physically move my belongings and start over somewhere new because I did this a lot as a child. We moved around so much because of my fathers job, and because of that I was never in one location longer than 4 years at a time s a child. It was always hard to start over in a new school and try to make new friends but when I eventually did, I loved it.
I love to visit different places, I love to meet new people and I love to experience new cultures. It makes me feel more alive, inspired and appreciative of God. It gives me a better perspective of God, on life and my purpose here on earth. So, I hope you enjoy the read and I encourage you to find something that inspires, liberates you, gives you inner peace and draws you closer to God like I have.
I fall for you,
I fall in love with people.
I love nature,
I fall in love with places.
I love my journey,
I fall in love with the experience.
How unconditional and majestic your love is,
I am overwhelmed by your power.
I am inspired by your love,
I am liberated by your grace.
I love you,
I fall in love with you with each moment.
By Chigi.
As Saint Augustine said, “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.”