Happy Valentine’s Day – The Kiss
Happy Valentine’s Day ladies and gentlemen!!!
I hope everyone is having a beautiful day. I know today can be a fun day for some people, like Christmas in February. This comes with showers of love and gifts, or it may just be another day that reminds you that you’re single and for others it may be a day filled with so much pressure and expectations.
So a friendly reminder, LET GO of all the pressures that Valentine’s Day brings.
(a) DO NOT feel stressed to go out, get/give a gift or have an epic day.
(b) DO NOT feel pressured to have a date, a boyfriend/girlfriend or a husband/wife.
(c) Guys PLEASE, DO NOT break up with your lady just so you don’t have to get her a gift or take her out unless you really don’t care about her.
Valentine’s Day actually originated from the celebration of the Valentines. One was a priest and another a bishop. They became Saints after they were martyred and they are celebrated on February 14th in different Christian denominations. Over the centuries, Valentine’s Day became more of a celebration of romantic love with increasing expectations to go all out and create this grand day with gifts and activities.
In my opinion I think the most important thing is appreciating your loved ones so….
(a) You don’t need a day to remind you to show love, this should already be your lifestyle each day.
(b) You don’t need to have a boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife to have a special day, you already have amazing family and friends.
(c) Be in the moment with people and enjoy yourself instead of worrying or comparing yourself to others.
(d) It is not about THINGS or PLACES, it’s about PEOPLE and RELATIONSHIPS.
Personally, I have never been obsessed with Vals Day. As a teenager, it was a day you hoped to get a rose or carnation from a secret admirer and in college it was another day to have fun with my awesome girlfriends. In my relationship I usually don’t expect much. Of course I appreciate it when my hubby surprises me but I honestly don’t like going out on that day because everyone and their mama (this is an expression) are out and places are crowded (with and without reservations). Hubby and I are in sync with this, we love spending quality time with each other at home on Valentine’s Day.
Today is also our 5years anniversary and we are blessed that each year our love and commitment to each other grows stronger. On that note, I’ll share a poem I wrote over a decade ago that I recently found. Once again HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY dear family, friends and lovely readers.
He kisses me, so soft and warm.
Tastes like wild berries in the winter’s eve.
Smells like sweet honey in the summer nest.
I’ve been asleep, cold and lifeless.
He lights a fire and awakens my soul.
Butterflies in my belly, flutters in my chest.
I’ve never felt this alive, didn’t think it was possible.
I yearn for more, even when I shouldn’t.
I begin to hope because now I’m awake.
At the back of my mind I ask myself, was that a kiss of life or ultimately my kiss of death?
I look to the future, because I can.
I am inspired by his touch.
His eyes are watching me, he sees into my soul.
It is scary, yet so exciting.
He seems to be a reflection of me.
For in his eyes, I see the future.
His promises and my dreams have become one.
Who am I to question this?
Is this not a once in a lifetime experience?
Is this not the beginning of the end?
Is this not a journey of a lifetime or my one true destiny?
By Chigi
NG Norman-Roberts
Beautiful article, lovely poem by a beautiful and lovely lady!
Thanks hun, you are so sweet
Nene honey luks
Beautiful piece Chigi
Thanks dear
Beautiful Post
Thanks Trevor.