Monday Motivation – 6 Books to Help you Grow your Mindset & Money, to Manifest your Best Life
Happy New Week Friends!
Mondays get me so excited because it’s the start of a new work week. Although I sometimes work on the weekend as a Serial Entrepreneur, there’s something magical about getting a fresh start on a Monday.
Your weekends should generally be a time to reboot, refresh, and refocus your mind plus body on your purpose and goals, so you can start Monday with a BANG!
One of the things I do to get my Mind, Energy & Focus right for the new week is to read. Reading is one of the best habits to develop. It helps expand your mind and teaches you new things to help you grow. It also helps develop your brain by constantly giving your brain new information to process. Reading is also very therapeutic because it’s a great way to escape from normal routine, relax and explore your imagination to become more resourceful and creative because there is no limit for your mind.
Here are 6 books to help you grow your mindset and money, to manifest your best life.
My Top 6 Books in 2018
1.The Purpose Driven Life – What on earth am I here for? by Rick Warren.
This is such an amazing book that I read in college. It explores and answers one of the biggest questions we have as human beings, what is our purpose here on earth? I had a physical copy of this book but I also got an Audible version because I wanted the ability to listen to it with ease at anytime e.g. while driving or traveling. It’s a book I’ll recommend you read at least every 2-3 years to help you remember and re-focus on your purpose, goals, tasks, as you change with time and experience different life events and growth. It helps you dig deep and figure out what God’s will is, why you were created, how you can evolve, use your talents, knowledge and resources accordingly to be the best person you were created to be.
2.The Miracle Morning – The not so obvious secret guaranteed to transform your life before 8am by Hal Elrod.
This book is life changing. It shares the story and testimony of the author while, while teaching you major life lessons and daily habits that will transform your mind, body, soul, business, work and lifestyle daily. If you’ve read some of my blog posts on mindset and my daily routine, then you must be familiar with my LIFE SAVERS which is daily moments I take to pray, meditate, say my affirmations, visualize my end goals and the life/community I’m building, exercise, read, listen to inspirational music, books or podcasts and journal my thoughts, feelings, challenges and transformation. This book helped me refine and expand my daily routine which I somewhat had, but it helped me become more organized which has supported my growth tremendously. This is a must to get the transformation you desire in the different areas of your life.
3.You are a bad ass at making money – Master the mindset of wealth by Jen Sincero.
Lol! Jen is a fire cracker and straight shooter. This book was a fireball of hard truths. At some point in our lives we may have had dreams and goals that we struggled to achieve and wondered why we fell short. Well, Jen breaks it down to how your attitude, feelings, experiences and results are heavily dependent on your mindset and beliefs. As a person who is generally positive, I learned that having the right mindset of growth and abundance was much more than just being positive. I also loved the practical example she gave, the hard questions she asked, the quotes and affirmations she shared plus the activities she gave to get you working on your mindset and life transformation. Just like the other books on my list, it’s impossible to remain the same after reading and soaking up the knowledge and wisdom in this book.
4.Rich Dad, Poor Dad – What the rich teach their kids about money that the poor and middle class do not, by Robert T. Kiyosaki.
This book will blow your mind. It’s like an intro to business and finance which everyone needs to read because weather you like it or not, we all need money to meet our basic needs, do the thing we love and achieve our highest purpose, regardless of how you feel about it. You need to understand the basic principles of money to be able to make it, use it and manage it effectively if not you’ll spend your whole life broke and struggling to make ends meet. I loved the insight you get from this book on how your mindset and relationship is shaped by your environment and the people closest to you. It also shows how financially illiterate most people are because it’s not something that’s taught in schools or by the right people who can give you practical examples of making and managing your money successfully. This is a must read for everyone and the gems shared should be taught more frequently and as early as possible in homes and schools to improve the lives of people and the economy.
5.Crushing It – How great entrepreneurs build their businesses and influence and how you can too, by Gary Vaynerchuk.
This was such a great book to read especially as a creative, content creator and serial entrepreneur. I loved how it was written, because you get a great preview on how different people from different backgrounds and industries started their successful businesses. It highlighted the startup phase, but also the process and lessons that made the people/businesses successful. I also loved how Gary broke down the qualities, features and importance of the different social media platforms and how to leverage them. It’s a great book I’ll recommend for everyone to read and you may need to read it every 1-2 years especially as we continue immerse ourselves even more in the digital world.
6.Influencer – Building your personal brand in the age of social media by Brittany Hennessy
The term being a Social Media Influencer is so new that a lot of people still don’t understand it so this is a great book to get a better knowledge of what being an Influencer is on and off social media. It also gives you a great picture of how the talent management and influencer marketing world works, how you can leverage your resources and skills and grow your brand. If you’ve ever had question about the world of content creation, business building, branding, partnerships, contracts, payments, growing a community digitally, social media, digital, influencer and affiliate marketing, this is a book to read. I recommend this book to every business owner, blogger, influencer, branding or marketing personnel because knowledge is power and you need to keep yourself updated. Not only do you need to understand the worth of others and how the industry works, you need to also know your worth, the potential of your platform, power, voice, work, influence, impact and how to grow a loyal community and monetize your brilliance to be successful at work or in your business.
I hope you enjoyed reading this. Click on the pictures to shop via my links and start reading today to grow your mindset and money.
I’ve been thinking of starting a monthly Chigi’s World Book Club in 2019 to encourage everyone to read and to share great books amongst ourselves. If interested, leave a Comment Below and Subscribe to my Blog to get my Newsletters. If you’re looking for more Mindset & Money Resources, Join my Mastermind or Sign Up for a Consultation Session. Have a magical week!