My Journey with PCOS & Infertility
Dear friends,
As I sit in front of my laptop and write this post, I’m nervous. I’m having butterflies in my tummy right now because I’m stepping outside my comfort zone and doing something very new. I have decided to be very vulnerable, open up and share something very personal to me and dear to my family.
One of the biggest reasons I started blogging was to share my life, stories, experiences and resources to empower other women like myself. I also wanted to create a community of women who can come together to connect and support each other. I don’t have all the answers, neither am I an expert, but I know that there is great power in connecting, communicating, collaborating and community. I always believe that everything happens for a reason and no matter how good or bad a situation may be, there’s always a lesson. We have to live with gratitude in our hearts and find a purpose behind it all if we’re willing to see beyond ourselves and see the big picture.
Today, I am choosing to share with you that I, like 5 million other women out there have been diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystc Ovarian Syndrome) which has led to my struggles with infertility. I was diagnosed as a teenager after episodes of heavy bleeding and after my periods got more irregular. But I didn’t realize how much it would affect me until I got married in August 2012. So as I sit here writing this post, it has been 5 years and 6 months since I married the love of my life and we started on this journey to have children.
I am sharing this today because I want other people going through something similar to know that they are not alone. Dealing with infertility can be hard and such an emotional roller coaster especially when people lack awareness or are insensitive with the way they act, talk or question you about your plans for children. Also as a Nigerian American woman, topics like this are considered taboo. So like a lot of other cultures, there’s still a stigma and shame placed on women like me, which can affect us mentally and emotionally and sometimes even destroy families.
So, if you’ve been diagnosed with PCOS, infertility or something else that seems so big and you think it’s the end of the world, I’m here to say I understand. I feel your pain, I know your struggles, I understand your grief but I also know that there is something more for you. There is life and happiness beyond that.
Look at me, I’m still here, happily married, with no children yet but building my businesses and working hard to live my best life. You may not be in the exact same place as I am, but I know you are not your diagnosis. Your value as a woman is not tied to your womb and you are beautiful, strong, intelligent and perfect just the way you are. Find a great support system and connect, open up and share because it’s liberating and powerful when you speak up. I am here for you.
I was going to wait till after I got pregnant to open up and share my story, but God wanted something different. He made me see that it’s easier to share a testimony after you’ve gone through the challenges and are in a better place. The hard part is sharing while still feeling down and going through it. Some people may think I’m crazy since I don’t know what will happen next, but I actually do. I have learned so much about myself and about God the last few years and one thing I do know is that I will have my own children and no matter where life takes me, God is still God. God doesn’t cease to exist just because you don’t get your way, what you want, when you want it. He is God despite all that, so trust and have faith in him. All things will work together for the good of so many so that his name will be glorified.
So SUBSCRIBE to my blog and join me on my journey to having my babies. Every week I’ll write a blog post or do a vlog to share more details and updates of what I’ve done so far, how I’ve been dealing with it, my process and resources I’ve found. Kindly leave any feedback or comments below. To get more information you can go to The National Polycystic Ovay Syndrome Association. I love and appreciate you all.
Thank you so much for opening up and sharing your story. It’s not easy to share our vulnerabilities, but you did share in the way that also inspired the others. I admire you the way you are and how you conquer the world in any possibilities that you can and enjoy it.
When your time comes, your bunch of joy will come. That’s my faith which I use for myself 🙂
Much love to you. Xxx
Chigozie Ohanele
Aww Anita!
Thank you for your kind words and your support. I appreciate you joining your faith with mine and can’t wait to one day share the good news with you. I hope my story can one day help someone else going through a difficult time. And thanks for the love always, you rock.
Chigozie Ohanele, thanks so much for the post.Really thank you! Great.
PCOs can be very challenging. Keep up the faith dear,your miracle children can’t be stopped. We will definitely celebrate their arrival.God’s word is bigger than PCOS.
Chigozie Ohanele
Hi dear,
Thanks for the support and amen to your prayers. God is definitely bigger than PCOS. Stay blessed.
Amarachi Inechi
What show of strength to approach such a taboo subject in our culture with such grace. Anyway I’m not surprised you have always and will continue to be graceful. Our good God will bless you and hubby with a child when the time comes. I urge everyone to continue to add you in prayers. We love you so much and as my brother said we are so proud of you. What an inspiration. What a lady. Stay blessed. Can’t wait to see you guys in near future
Chigozie Ohanele
Aww cuz!
You’re going to make me cry. Thank you so much for your kind words. Michael and I truly appreciate all the love, support and prayers from everyone. I thank God for always giving me the strength and grace to share and do things.
We can’t wait to see you soon, Love you all.
“You are not your diagnosis” very powerful statement. God bless you Chigozie. You will testify soon…. Till then, praise him in the hallway!
Chigozie Ohanele
Hi Sonia,
Thank you so much. I appreciate the words of encouragement and I’ll continue to praise God for all the miracles. Have a blessed day.
It takes a lot to come out and share something so deep and personal with the world. You are so amazing! I myself got diagnosed with PCOS a month after I got married. Had no idea what it meant or how it was linked to infertility. I got pregnant a couple months later. (totally unplanned)
My doctor was surprised and said it was a miracle.
I didn’t understand the severity of PCOS until I started doing research and found thousands of women online in a situation. I thank God for what he did for me and I pray that this same God performs that same miracle on you!
Chigozie Ohanele
Hello Addy,
I appreciate you for all your support and thanks for sharing your own story and words of encouragement. I know God has already taken care of it and I can’t wait for it to manifest in the physical. Yes PCOS affects so many women and so many have reached out to me and I hope with this we can talk more about it, support each other and share information and resources because most times people feel alone when diagnosed with this.
Thanks again and God bless you.
My dear friend! Thank you so much for sharing your story. I never knew about PCOS….You are such an amazing lady. Please remember that delay is not denial. God is always faithful and He will fulfill all your hearts desires. God bless you my friend.
Chigozie Ohanele
Hi Nike,
Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers. God is indeed faithful and I’m already celebrating my children in faith. Thanks again dear and take care.
Hi Chigi.
Happy New Year to you and Micheal. Thank you so much for sharing. Please don’t give up, continue to pray and always put God first. My family and I will soon rejoice with you. We’ll continue to keep you in our prayers. God bless you.
Much love.
Chigozie Ohanele
Hi Esther,
Happy New Year too and thank you so much for all the love, prayers and support, we appreciate you all.
Stay blessed.
Pingback: My Journey with PCOS & Infertility - Part 2 - Chigi's World
Your name is Chigozie. I am Chigoziri. Just as the name goes, you are already blessed and so there is absolutely nothing to worry about. God has blessed you already. We are only waiting to see it in the physical. Stay strong and steadfast in faith. He is God and He never changes. I can’t wait for your testimony.
Chigozie Ohanele
Amen! Thank you for your beautiful words, I appreciate it.
The Almighty will make a way for all of us.keep the good work .
Chigozie Ohanele
Thanks Grace, I appreciate it.
Chigi, I’m so glad you decided to share your story. I know you’ve helped so many women. I don’t know why but I really thought you had kids. I thought I seen you on a pic with your family.
However congratulations on all your blessings and many more to come. Can’t wait to see what God has in store for you. Lots of blessings.
Chigozie Ohanele
Aww thanks darling! Yes I’ve probably shared pictures of me with my nieces & God sons before which people sometimes assume are my kids. We are definitely excited for our growing family.