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New Year Resolutions & Goals for 2021

Happy New Year Dear Friends!

How are you doing? I hope you’re feeling really good about 2021.

2020 was a difficult year for many people in so many ways, but I hope that one day we’ll all look back and see that it made us stronger, better and wiser individually but also collectively as a community.

2020 thought me so much about my relationships, my value in this world and my abilities, which strengthened my passion and purpose to serve my community so people can live better, healthier and wealthier lives in every are of their life. It also thought me so much about different types of people and beautiful but broken world we live in. Throughout this year I’ll be sharing some of the biggest lessons I learned and blessings I’ve received in 2020, in addition to how I’m applying them in my life.

2020 was a year of clarity of my vision and more revelation of my purpose so the revolution for change would continue in my life, but also in the world around me because being complacent is no longer an option. Anything that is no longer helping me become better and making progress in my life is not acceptable. 2020 made me value and appreciate life so much more, but it also made me more resilient, more confident and courageous to do the things I want to do.

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I learned to tune out the noise to focus on God and align myself with his purpose for me and the unique path which I’ve been called to walk to get clear on my vision. I also had to have clarity and alignment with my core values, my personality, my identity to get specific in my goals so I can show up more authentically for myself and the people in my life.

2020 encouraged me to dream big, make bold moves and get back to the original reason why I started this platform which was to share my truth, my stories, my experiences and resources to empower and educate other likeminded women to reach greater heights of personal development and healing, to improve productivity, their health and wealth which is why 2021 is the year of healing and restoration, because to rest and heal is an act of resistance and the part of the process of evolving and growing. This is essential so we can unlearn, unburden ourselves and overcome limiting mindset, emotional blocks, negative thought patterns, bad habits and toxic relationships that hold us back and instead consciously create a better version of ourselves that is confident, happy and fulfilled. This also helps us become our highest self, it improves our relationships, it helps us me more impactful, enables us create the life that we desire and build a better world for the future generation.

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Each year I’m very intentional about how I want to show up for myself and others but I’m also intentional about what I want to achieve. Since I’m all about personal development, spiritual growth, living a life of purpose, productivity, making progress, improving my holistic health, having balance, harmony and fulfillment in my life, I break down my yearly goals and intentions into different categories of health/wellness.

Here are some of my goals for 2021 

  1. Occupational (Field, Career, Work, Business)
    1. Complete all my CE courses to renew my License and Certificates
    2. Start new role as Healthcare Consultant
  2. Financial (Money, Investments)
    1. Make $1k/day consistently
    2. Pay Off at least $30k in debt
  3. Vocational (Business, Fun, Hobbies)
    1. Launch my Digital Products, Courses and Resources on Productivity and Healing
    2. Host 2 Events 
  4. Intellectual (Personal Development, Knowledge, Skills)
    1. Read 30 mins daily and finish at least 1 book a month
    2. Write and create content daily
  5. Physical (Fitness, Nutrition, Image)
    1. Exercise 5x/week for at least 20mins
    2. Maintain a low carb diet after fasting intermittently
  6. Mental (Mindset, Selfcare)
    1. Talk to my therapist, coach or mentor weekly
    2. Donate money, goods, time, energy monthly
  7. Emotional (Feelings, Attitude, Relationships)
    1. Family movie nights weekly
    2. Journal daily about my day (thoughts, feelings, experiences, wins, losses, mistakes, blessings and lessons)
  8. Spiritual (Faith, Beliefs, Religion)
    1. Daily Prayers, meditation, affirmations and visualization
    2. Daily bible reading and devotion
  9. Social (Relationship, Community)
    1. Date Night and/or Girls Night biweekly 
    2. At least 2 trips on 2 different continents
  10. Environment (Home, Office Space)
    1. Declutter and redecorate each room at home and garage
    2. Organize emails, phone, laptop and back up pictures, videos and documents weekly

I hope you enjoyed reading some of my goals to gain more insight of my intentions for 2021? Now, I’d love to hear from you. Do you set goals for yourself each year? What’s one major intention you’ve set for yourself this year? Do you have a word or mantra for 2021? 

Leave your answers, comments and feedback below. I’d love for you to come along with my on this journey towards self-discovery, self-healing and self-actualization.

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I’m an open book. I love life, I love people. I love to connect and inspire people. My goal is to help women look and feel their best by finding their style and confidently expressing themselves.