Steps to Financial Freedom, Building Better Credit for a Better Life
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I’m on a journey to financial freedom and since having CJ, my passion to achieve it has even been greater because I want to leave a legacy for him and his children. Although financial wealth isn’t everything, it is a great resource to have to improve the quality of our lives but also to have the ability to help our community in different ways. I’ve always prided myself in having good credit because I made good money and had low debt, but I had some bad money habits. I didn’t fully understand how money worked and I didn’t have a financial plan or adviser to guide me so I was spending money quickly, accumulating debt and not monitoring my account activities consistently to track my expenses and payments which affected my credit.
Honestly, the drop in my credit was a blow to my ego and it made me so anxious when I’d think of it so I initially brushed it aside in denial. I felt like if I didn’t think of it, it didn’t exist, hence it couldn’t affect me but that’s not how it works. A bad credit is like your shadow that you can’t out run so the best thing to do is to know your credit score, because that’s the beginning of your journey to repair it which is where CreditRepair.com comes in.
CreditRepair.com is one of the trusted leaders in credit report repair services in the United States so even if repairing your credit may seem intimidating, remember that your credit score isn’t written in stone but you have to take action because it won’t fix itself. A great way to start the credit repair process is by calling CreditRepair.com to get a free consultation with an adviser because they have a team of credit experts who educate and empower people to achieve the credit scores they deserve. Think of all the great things you can do if you have great credit.
Also, you have to realize that repairing your credit is a great way to improve your financial health because it affects a lot of things you may need to live the life of your dreams. Personally, better credit means a better life because it’s access to more opportunities and it saves us money from interest rates. For us, a great credit has helped us buy our homes, investment property and has gotten us lower interest loans for school and even for my In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments. Therefore, a great credit score is a huge asset just like having a trusted name, great reputation and character, you can leverage it in building a healthy and wealthy life personally but also professionally.
Based on my personal experience, once I changed my mindset about money, got more support and committed to my goals of financial freedom, I became more intentional about repairing my credit. I learned from my mistakes and took steps to increase my streams of income, payoff debt, acquire more assets and spend less on liabilities. Also, I created a budget to manage my spending so when I made purchases on credit, I had the money to pay it off right away. Also, I set up automated payments for my bills to avoid late payments penalties and I started reviewing all my financial accounts biweekly to make sure everything was properly managed and my money is doing what I intend it to do for me.
Life is so much easier now that I have a system in place because I want to have the flexibility to spend more time with my son without sacrificing my career, my passion to serve my community and opportunities for financial growth. In doing this, I’ve also learned a lot and I can’t wait to teach my son about financial literacy, building great credit and having great money habits so he too can have a happy, healthy and successful life. So do not hesitate to build your credit, repair your reports and use it to create the life you desire. What financial goals do you have? What is a bad credit costing you?
Learn how you can repair your credit with CreditRepair.com