New Year Resolutions & Goals for 2021
Happy New Year Dear Friends! How are you doing? I hope you’re feeling really good about 2021. 2020 was a difficult year for many people in so many ways, but I hope that one day we’ll all look back and see that
7 Ways I Renewed My Mind and Rediscovered Myself in 2019
Hello Darling, Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday and spent time with loved ones. Well I'm kicking off the blog this year by sharing some things I did in 2019 to renew my mind and rediscover myself. How
10 Ways to Improve your Mental, Physical & Spiritual Health
Hi Ladies, It’s such a blessing to see another beautiful day & new month. The month of October is such a special month because it’s the beginning of a new and the last quarter of the year and if you look